Bayou Grand Prix House Rules

  1. Season and championships
    1. A season consists of twelve races. Tracks are generally chosen from among those used by the actual Formula One racing circuit and raced in the order in which they are raced in the Formula One season, although not all Formula One tracks will be raced. Exceptions may be made by common consensus. The selection of tracks is made before the beginning of the season.
    2. Each race, points are awarded to the top eight finishers as follows:
      Place Points
      Drivers also earn points for their team. Drivers who do not finish the race earn no points.
    3. If a driver cannot make a particular race, he may nominate a replacement. The replacement driver earns team points for the team of the driver he replaces, but earns driver points for himself.
    4. An entry fee of $3 is charged per driver at the beginning of each race. This money is used to purchase prizes.
    5. At the end of the season, the Driver's Championship is awarded to the driver who has accumulated the most points, and the Constructor's Championship to the team which has accumulated the most points. Ties are broken as in the offical Formula One championship: total race wins, total 2nd place finishes, total 3rd place finishes, and so on, followed by total pole positions, total 2nd place starts, and so on.
    6. The winner of each race also receives an award.
    7. The Worst Driver award is awarded to the driver who accumulated the fewest points while starting at least half the races in the season.
    8. The Most Consistent Driver award is awarded to the driver who averaged the most points per start, while starting at least 25% of the races in the season. It is not awarded if this driver also won the Driver's Championship.
  2. Teams
    1. Teams consist of two players, each controlling a single car and driver. The default number of teams is five. If there are an odd number of players wishing to participate in the league at the beginning of the season, the players may by common consensus allow one player to drive without a team as a "rogue" driver.
    2. At the beginning of each season, teams are determined by the finish of the individual drivers from the previous season. The top five finishers each become captain of a new team. They are matched with the next five finishers in order, so that 1st place matches with 6th place, 2nd place matches with 7th place, and so on. If there are more or fewer than five teams, adjust accordingly. Ties are broken as specified for the Driver's Championship.
    3. Drivers who did not participate in the previous season are ranked by career points earned. New drivers receive the lowest rankings, and are seeded by random selection.
    4. A team captain in the new season who was a team captain in the previous season may keep his team's name and colors. Otherwise, colors and team names are chosen in order of captain's finish in the previous season.
  3. Race rules
    1. Races are run by the English translation of the rules for the 2002 Master's event, with changes as noted below. In case of a dispute, the first source of clarification is the written rules, then these clarifications and additions, then common consensus among the drivers present.
    2. Changes to Master's rules:
      1. Time Trials
        Time trials are run in order of finish in the previous race, and then by total points in the season. For the first race of the season, they are run in order of the driver ranking used to assign teams. A driver may not receive tactical guidance from any person while running his time trial, but any person present may point out errors made in car movement. A driver may not be timed by a member of his own team. Drivers may use both hands.
      2. Collision
        Collisions with a car which has stalled at the start are not considered "aggravated."
      3. Pit Stops and Order of Play
        1. A driver in pit lane who rolls a 20 or 30 does not subject other drivers on the track to engine checks, but does cause a variable weather roll.
        2. Order of play is determined by the normal rules.
    3. Other rules
      1. Drivers are discouraged from giving gameplay guidance to any driver not on his own team. A driver may ask that other conversations stop while making his move.
      2. A car which has finished the race is removed from the track immediately, and may not be slipstreamed.
      3. If, as a result of a die roll, one or more cars is forced completely out of the space it occupies on the board, the player rolling the die is fined $1 per car. This money is placed in the prize fund.